Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Rubber Cultivation stumps


The generally used planting materials are seedling stumps, budded stumps, polybag plants and root trainer plants, Tissue eultoure plants are used only for research purposes.


Seedling stumps are prepared by pulling out polyelonal seedlings and cutting bak the stem at 45 to 60 cm of brown wood, tap root to convenient length and trimming of lateral roots (7,5 cm length), The cut end of stem is dipped in molten wax to prevent water loss. Budded stumps are prepared in the same way as seedlings stumps but a slanting cut with slope towards opposite side of bud is given at about 7,5 cm above the bud patch. Wax scaling and root trimming are done similar to seedling stumps. For green-budded and young-budded plants the cut made 15 to 20 cm above the bud patch leaving longer snag to prevent die back.

POLYBAG PLANTS  पॉलीबैग का पौधा

Polybag nursery

Polybag plants are raised either by budding seedlings that are developed by in situ planting of seeds (in polybags) or by planting budded stumps in polybags. Polythene (LDPE/HDPE) bags of 45 x 18 cm holding about 7 kg soil are generally used. Larger bags, 55 x 25 cm, which holds about 10 kg soil are preferred for raising larger plants (3 whorls or more). The polythene material used for the bag should be of 75-100 micron thickness (300-400 gauge). The bags should be filled with top soil which is rich in organic carbon for efficient water and nutrient supply to the plants, About 20 to 25 g rock phosphate is incorporated in the top half of the soil filled in the polybags. The filled polybags are stacked in trenches (30 cm deep) or on soil surface itself with sufficient support. Stacking by leaving a space in between every two rows favours better growth as the buds can be arranged to face the inter spaces. This also cultural operations. Budded stumps/ allows easy seeds are planted after the soil in the bags settles down. Dipping of root portion of budded stumps in cow dung slurry or 500 ppm IBA before planting enhances root development. Monthly application of the fertilizer 10:10: 4:1.5 NPKMg mixture at 10 g/plant initially, gradually increasing up to 30 g/plant, when each top whorl of leaf is mature is recommended. Regular watering and weeding is necessary. Partial shading (50% shade) during dry season reduces incidence of leaf spot diseases and sun scorch besides regulating transpiration loss. Plants are transplanted to the main field when they are at two to three whorl stage and the top whorl of leaves is mature.

ROOT TRAINER PLANTS   रूट ट्रेनर प्लांट

The root trainer containers usually used have a length of 26 cm and holding capacity of 600 cc with a tapering shape with vertical ridges on insideroc wall and a drainage hole. Well-cured coir pith length of 26 cm and holding capacity of 600 cc with mixed with neem cake, bone meal, pesticides and single super phosphate is used as potting medium. Curing of coir pith is done by keeping it immersed in water in a tank for a minimum period of two months with draining and refilling of water at fortnightly intervals to leach out the phenolic toxic compounds. Partially dried elephant dung mixed with equal quantity of soil can also be used as an alternative to coir pith. The potting medium should be packed well inside the root trainer cup before planting germinated seeds. If stumps are planted, compacting of medium is done along with planting. 
       The root trainers are stacked by pushing them into a raised bed of soil taking care that the drainage hole is not clogged. The developing tap root grows into the soil through the drainage hole. When the plants show healthy growth, the root trainer is lifted from the bed, the root pruned close to the drainage hole and stacked on stands made of iron or bamboo splinters so that the without touching the soil. plants in the containers remain suspended in air without touching the soil. Although the tap root resumes growth, it undergoes natural air pruning at the drainage hole. This stress induces emergence of large number of lateral roots into the potting medium. The ridges on the side wall of container directs these lateral roots down which in their turn also undergoes air pruning. Thus the hardened root trainer plants will have a tap root and well- oriented lateral roots forming a dense root plug.
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                                                  to be continued...
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